Father & Son 2.0
click here | videoreview | zeitgeist | Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik 2018…
many thanks to the whole team of the Innsbrucker Festwochen, it was a great pleasure!
Athanasius Kircher | Modo Hypodorico
Biagio Marini | La Candela
Hullygully | Kind Robin
Maurizio Cazzati | Passacaglia
Attilio Ariosti | Tempo di Gavotta
Fingerzaig | Demo Video
Hullygully | Demo Video
live concert outtakes | 03.10.2016 | “Alte Musik in St. Ruprecht” (W)
concert at St. Ruprechts-church, many thanks to the community of St. Ruprecht!